TimTechChem (A Division of Azelis NZ Ltd) markets and supplies quality wood preservatives, fire retardants, patented technology, treatment plants and world class technical and engineering services to the timber protection industry.
TimTechChem commenced trading on 21 August 2013 when it purchased TimTech Chemicals Ltd. TimTech was launched in 2001 in New Zealand and a year later in Australia.
Australasia’s leading specialty chemicals company, Azelis New Zealand Limited, is the owner of TimTechChem. Azelis toll manufactures most of the chemicals sold by TimTechChem. Azelis New Zealand Limited is 100% owned by the global Azelis group.
TimTechChem International Limited was formed to market and supply quality wood preservatives, fire retardants, patented technology, treatment plants and world class technical services to the timber protection industry. Australasia’s leading specialty chemicals company, Azelis New Zealand Limited, is the owner of TimTechChem. Azelis toll manufactures most of the chemicals sold by TimTechChem.
Contact our team for all your timber protection inquiries
Keiran Vane
Industry Manager
Mobile: 021 940 556
Luke Spring
Engineeing / Salesr
Mobile: 021 940 178